Day of Surgery

Day of Surgery
The day you have been waiting for finally arrives. Despite all your preparation, you can’t help but be nervous on this day. Most women considering breast augmentation are healthy and have never had any surgery. Anxiety from the unknown journey ahead can be substantial. Our health and breast experts have found the well-informed patient to be more comfortable and confident in their decision to proceed with a Montreal breast augmentation. To comfort and ally anxiety, we have detailed below the anticipated events on the day of your breast augmentation and listed some useful reminders.
All of our cosmetic breast procedures are performed at a state-of-the-art private outpatient surgery facility. Like a carefully choreographed routine, your care will be handled by teams of healthcare professionals with expertise in nursing, technology, anesthesia, and surgery. The grand maestro directing these healthcare teams is your Montreal breast augmentation specialist, Dr. Chen Lee. Under his oversight, you will be meeting many new individuals interested in your personal medical health. Rest assured, these individuals are healthcare professionals interested in your safety and care. Your confidentiality will be maintained. Let’s familiarize you with the process of outpatient surgery for breast augmentation.

Nursing team:
In the days preceding surgery, our office will instruct you to arrive at the facility fasting from the evening before and accompanied by a family member or close friend who will ensure your safe transportation home. To meet the entire healthcare team, you will be asked to check into the facility well before your scheduled surgery time. Following check-in, you will disrobe and wear the surgical apparel provided by the facility. Members of the nursing team will meet you, review your dossier, and ensure the correct breast implants have been delivered from the manufacturer.
Anesthesia team:
General anesthesia will be necessary for your Montreal breast augmentation. For your safety, a board-certified anesthesiologist will meet with you to review your medical health and ensure that your stomach is empty (i.e. fasting from the prior evening).
Final markings:
Dr. Chen Lee will always meet with you to answer final questions and to place important breast markings for your breast augmentation procedure.
Operating suite:
Your Montreal breast augmentation will be performed in a specially ventilated sterile operating room environment. The breast augmentation procedure requires less than 2 hours of operating time to complete. However, you will find your stay at the facility lasting half the day.
Recovery room:
After the operation, you will recover from the anesthetic in the recovery room. A specially trained nurse will ensure that you are comfortable and recovering safely. You will be ready for discharge when you are alert and able to pass urine on your own. Prior to the final discharge, Dr. Chen Lee will meet with you and your accompanying family member. A prescription for pain medication, home instructions for care, and a follow-up office visit will be provided before discharging you to a loving family member.
Useful reminders
- stay fasting prior to surgery (no breakfast, no snacks, no drinks)
- brush your teeth (do not swallow the water used for mouth rinse)
- shower in the morning (before your surgery)
- do not wear cosmetics (makeup, eyeliner, perfume)
- remove nail polish (fingers and toes)
- do not apply skin moisturizers
- remove and leave all jewelry at home
- wear loose clothing (easy to change into, able to fit over the top of breast dressings)
- be punctual – arrive on time at the surgery facility
- come accompanied by a responsible family member (transportation home)
- plan to be present in the surgery facility for at least half a day
- secure help at home (even better if for two or more days)
- carefully follow Dr. Chen Lee’s postoperative instructions
- notify Dr. Chen Lee promptly of unexpected symptomatology
Next Steps…
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