Breast Implant Removal


A Path to Natural Beauty in Montreal: Embrace Change with Breast Implant Removal

Considering a New You, Remove Breast Implants with Confidence

Exploring Breast Implant Removal

Learn about breast implant removal with Dr. Chen Lee.

Exploring Breast implant removal

Are you considering breast implant removal? This is a personal and multifaceted decision. For many, breast augmentation with implants was a choice made to enhance body confidence, or address concerns. However, circumstances may change as life unfolds, prompting reevaluating one’s preferences and goals.

In recent years, the conversation around breast implant removal has evolved, reflecting a growing awareness of both the benefits and potential drawbacks of breast augmentation. Drawbacks and challenges such as implant rupture, capsular contracture, discomfort, or the onset of symptoms collectively referred to as breast implant illness (BII).

The choice to get rid of breast implants involves thinking about how it affects your body, feelings, and who you are as a person. This guide offers an informative resource for individuals considering breast implant removal. If you’re seeking guidance on this journey, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Chen Lee, a board-certified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized insight and support.

Breast Implant Removal – The Essentials

Take the first step towards breast implant removal with Dr. Chen Lee. Schedule your consultation today.

Discover Explant Surgery

Breast implant removal details

There are a few reasons why someone might consider explant surgery or breast implant removal surgery. Sometimes, they might not feel comfortable with the implants anymore or want to change how they look. Other times, there could be problems with the implants, like if they break, feel hard or cause pain. Also, as people grow and change, their priorities might shift, and they might decide that having breast implants doesn’t fit their lifestyle anymore. It’s essential to talk to a plastic surgeon like Dr. Chen Lee if you’re thinking about removing your breast implants to understand the reasons and options.

The benefits of breast implant removal include:

  1. Relief from Discomfort: Individuals may experience relief from physical discomfort associated with breast implants, such as tightness, pain, or restricted movement.
  2. Body Image: Some patients find that removing breast implants aligns better with their desired body image, leading to increased self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance.
  3. Reduced Risks: Removing breast implants can mitigate potential health risks associated with implants, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, or complications related to implant presence.

When considering breast implant removal, candidacy and careful considerations play a crucial role. Candidates for breast implant removal typically include individuals experiencing physical discomfort, complications, unwanting or dissatisfaction with their implants.

Consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine candidacy. Below are the general criteria for candidacy. Other Factors, such as previous surgeries, symptoms, and implant type, are important considerations.

General Candidacy for Breast Procedures:

  • Ensure good overall health.
  • No smoking or stop smoking before and after surgery to ensure optimal recovery.
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Maintain realistic expectations.
  • Comprehend the surgical risks.

Navigating the Procedure

Breast implant removal planning

Preparing for a breast implant removal involves several important steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: During this meeting, discuss your goals and desired outcomes for the breast implant removal procedure. Also, share your medical history related to your previous breast augmentation, including details about the implants used (type, size, shape), any complications experienced, and past surgical interventions with your surgeon.
  2. Medical Assessment: Depending on factors like your age, medical background, and the age of your implants, you may need medical tests such as blood work and imaging before surgery. These tests help determine your overall health status and enable the surgeon to evaluate the current condition of the implants.
  3. Follow Pre-Surgery Instructions: Abide by your surgeon’s recommendations regarding medications, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications leading up to the procedure.
  4. Arrange Transportation and Postoperative Support: Prior to the surgery, ensure transportation to and from the surgical facility and secure the assistance of a friend or family member for support at home during the initial recovery phase. Prepare your home environment to promote comfort and facilitate a smooth recovery process.
  5. Discuss concerns with your surgeon: Utilize the opportunity to communicate any worries or inquiries you may have regarding the procedure.
  6. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s crucial to maintain realistic expectations regarding the breast implant removal procedure, understanding the anticipated recovery period and potential outcomes.

Dr. Chen Lee tailors the approach to each patient’s specific goals, ensuring optimal outcomes and satisfaction. Below are the typical approaches to implant removal procedures.

For a simple breast implant removal, the procedure typically involves:

  1. Incision: An incision is made, usually in the same location as the original breast augmentation incision (along the inframammary fold, around the areola, or in the armpit).
  2. Removal of Implants: The breast implants are carefully removed. If the implants are saline, the surgeon may deflate them before removal.
  3. Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.

For breast implant removal to address complications like capsular contracture, please note that the base fees will increase to reflect the complexity of your case. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Incision: An incision is made, typically in the same location as the original breast augmentation incision (along the inframammary fold, around the areola, or in the armpit).
  2. Removal of Implants: The surgeon carefully removes the breast implants.
  3. Capsulectomy: A capsulectomy is performed to remove the scar tissue capsule.
  4. Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.
    Drains may be placed to remove excess fluid and prevent complications such as seromas.

For breast implant removal and lift, please note that the base fees will increase to reflect the complexity of your case. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Incision: Incisions are made, often following the existing scar from the original augmentation or in a new pattern suitable for a lift (e.g., around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease).
  2. Removal of Implants: The surgeon carefully removes the breast implants. If there is significant scar tissue (capsule), a capsulectomy may be performed to remove some or all of the capsule.
  3. Breast Lift (Mastopexy): Excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped and lifted to a higher position on the chest. The nipple and areola may be repositioned to a more natural, youthful height.
  4. Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.
    Drains may be placed to remove excess fluid and prevent complications such as seromas.

The starting fee for a simple breast implant removal is $7,500 + taxes. The cost may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and any additional factors that may arise during surgery.

Dr. Chen Lee’s patients undergoing breast implant removal are typically treated as day surgery patients at the Metropolitan Surgery Center in Montreal. Here’s what you can expect:

Surgery Centre:

  • Plan to spend half a day at the center.
  • Arrive punctually at the surgery center.
  • Our nursing team will warmly welcome and prepare you for surgery.
  • Breast implant removal surgery is typically conducted under general anesthesia. To ensure a safe anesthetic, it’s essential to arrive at the surgery center in a fasted state (i.e., nothing by mouth for 8 hours before surgery).
  • The breast implant removal procedure usually lasts between 1- 2 hours.

Recovery Room:

  • Following surgery, you will be transferred to a recovery room until the anesthesia wears off.
  • After waking up, you’ll spend 1-2 hours in an observation unit before being discharged home.

Your safety is our utmost concern:

  • You must be accompanied home by a trusted friend or family member.
  • We recommend that they be present in your home for the early days following a breast implant removal.

Our office will regularly call to check on your progress at home. Your first office visit, is scheduled 4-7 days after surgery.

After your breast implant removal procedure, ensuring a smooth recovery is essential. Initially, you may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising. To aid healing, it’s vital to follow postoperative instructions, including taking prescribed medications and avoiding strenuous activities. Rest and gentle movement are crucial during this period. Follow Dr. Chen Lee’s guidance on gradually increasing activity levels and attending follow-up appointments to monitor progress. Managing your expectations is important, as visible results may take time to fully manifest post-surgery. Stay in communication with Dr. Chen Lee and his office, and adhere to the guidelines provided.


Breast implant removal financement

$165.25 + taxes

During your initial consultation for breast implant removal, it’s recommended to bring your medical history from your first augmentation. This will provide essential details about the implants, including their type, shape, and size. This consultation will establish a patient-surgeon relationship. Dr. Chen Lee will conduct a comprehensive examination, offer personalized recommendations, discuss potential risks, and address any concerns you may have. This session is an opportunity for open communication to ensure your expectations are understood.

Base fee $7,500 + taxes

The base price of a simple breast implant removal in Montreal is quoted as a “global fee.” This quote covers the costs of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurses, implant removal, office visits during the first postoperative year, operating room, and surgical facility fees. However, the cost may vary depending on the complexity of the surgery and any additional factors that may arise during the procedure. Revisions and touch-up surgeries are not included in the initial quotation. If general anesthesia is necessary, you will be responsible for the substantial costs associated with a surgical revision. Minor touch-up surgery under local anesthesia can often be performed at a minimal expense.

Payment for surgeries can be made by cash, certified checks (bank drafts), or Interac. We also work with an independent credit company that offers payment plans for cosmetic procedures. However, please note that their interest rates and administration fees are typically higher than those of traditional financial institutions. It may be more cost-effective to negotiate a loan through your personal bank. We encourage you to carefully compare all financial options to determine the best choice for your situation.

Scheduling surgery for your implant explantation is a 2-step process.

Step 1: Reservation Date for Surgery

Our office staff works diligently to schedule surgeries to your availability and preference. However, operating room resources are precious and a financial commitment is necessary to reserve a dedicated time. Half of the surgical fee is due upon reservation of dedicated operating room time for your breast augmentation. Full payment is due 6 weeks before the day of surgery.

Step 2: Pre-operative, General Health Evaluation

Breast implant removal is performed under general anesthesia. A general physical examination and laboratory tests may be performed to ensure your safety.

During the pre-operative meeting, Dr. Chen Lee will explain the procedure, address any concerns you may have, and discuss the expected outcomes. He may also obtain standardized medical photos and provide general instructions on preparation for surgery and pain management.


It is natural to have concerns and questions regarding breast implant safety. Dr. Chen Lee is committed to helping you understand the risks of breast implant removal and making an informed decision about it.

While the removal of breast implants can feel alleviated, it is crucial to understand the associated risks and potential complications. Surgery and general anesthesia inherently carry risks to overall health. Though rare, there is even a possibility of death.

A partial list of potential complications specific to breast removal includes asymmetry, infection, bleeding, loose skin, sagging breast, changes in the nipple, delayed healing, need for revision surgery, pain, loss of sensation, scarring and no guarantee of achieving the desired final size.

After breast implants are removed, how your breasts will appear can vary depending on several factors, including the size and type of implants previously used, the duration they were in place, and your anatomy. Breasts may appear deflated initially due to the absence of implants. Some patients may experience changes in breast shape, size, or symmetry. Factors like skin elasticity and whether additional procedures like a breast lift were performed can also influence the final appearance. It’s essential to discuss your specific expectations and concerns with your surgeon like Dr. Lee to understand what results you can anticipate based on your circumstances.

Visible scars after breast implant removal surgery depend on several factors, including the type of incisions made during the procedure and individual healing characteristics. Typically, scars are placed in inconspicuous locations such as along the natural creases of the breast.

If the implants were placed through inframammary incisions (under the breast crease) or periareolar incisions (around the areola), scars may be located in these areas. Scars tend to fade over time, but scar visibility can vary based on individual healing responses.

Normally, it may be suggested to take about 1 to 2 weeks off from work following breast implant removal surgery. However, the length of time may vary based on the nature of your job. Jobs requiring significant movement or physical activity may need a longer recovery period compared to desk-based or work-from-home roles. Consult with your surgeon about your specific job demands to get personalized advice on when it’s safe for you to return to work.

The typical recovery period following breast implant removal varies among individuals. During this time, you may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising around the surgical site. It’s advisable to avoid strenuous activities and follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to promote healing. Patients may be able to resume normal daily activities within a few weeks, but full recovery may take several weeks to months, depending on individual healing and any additional procedures performed concurrently, such as a breast lift. It’s essential to discuss your specific recovery timeline with your surgeon to manage expectations and ensure a smooth recovery process.

Breast Implant Removal Price

  • Starting fees $7,500 + taxes
  • Includes professional fees (surgeon, anesthesiologist, and nurses)
  • Includes the surgical facility and operating room expenses
  • Revisions and touch-up surgeries are not included

Preparation for Breast Implant Removal

  • Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Aspirin, Advil, etc.)
  • Stop smoking, do not use e-cigarettes, avoid nicotine and marijuana
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Continue prescription medications (unless advised otherwise)

Day of Surgery

Advice After Breast Implant Removal

  • Do not cook, clean, carry weight (groceries or children), or drive
  • Take your medications as prescribed
  • Notify us promptly of unexpected symptomatology
  • Do your best to rest and relax for 2 weeks

This page serves as a guide and informational resource and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with qualified healthcare providers for personalized recommendations and treatment options.

Breast Augmentation Montreal

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Monday – Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm

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